Wednesday, January 7, 2015


It had been a long day at camp YATC and we were all eager for some hot and oozy s'mores. We had already set up a fire, and the rocks crunched happily under our feet. I was with my two friends, Anabelle and Olivia who giggled with me the whole way to the fire pit. It was cold outside, but the happy kind of cold when you shivered every time that you chuckled and your teeth chattered when you were not talking.
We waited restlessly with our feet dancing with ambition. Everyone was craving a good s'more while chatting with their friends alongside the crackling fire. When it was time for my group to go up, we hastily grasped our sticks, ready to tackle the fire. The fire was welcoming our marshmallows into it. After we took our marshmallows out, we were ready for the chocolate and graham crackers. I bit into the s'more and savored every moment of it. Even though the s'more got into my hair, and sticked to my hands, I still went back for seconds, because no one can resist a crunchy, oozy, good old camp s'more. 


  1. I love that "happy kind of cold" you described, Amelia. You make me want to be there too, crunching away! I love the look of your blog!

  2. That sounds very fun. Is camp YATC in colorado? What does YATC stand for? How many years have you gone there? Are you going there next year?

  3. YATC is in San Fransico! its a theater camp...

  4. I liked the ending and beginning of your piece. I also liked how you used articulate language, that really gave me a sense of your experience.

  5. This is an awesome slice! great discriptions!

  6. The description is so good that it makes me want a S'more!

  7. I really enjoyed your description of the surroundings really painted a great word picture.

  8. This is an amazing SOL Amelia! I LOVED your descriptions and I really want a s'more right now. So grrr for making me hungry and yay for your SOL

  9. the smore discription was super yummy sounding! it reminds me of overnights
