Monday, January 19, 2015

The Secret Lives of Dresses

The Secret Lives of Dresses , by Erin Mckean.
Dora never imagined herself as the glamorous movie stars that she saw in magazines. Until she found the lives of dresses.
I thought that this was an amazing book. I thought that it was very descriptive and described each and every character very well. I thought that the author knew vintage dresses really well, and described each dress very well. I also thought that most of the book was describing flashbacks, and the author did them in a way that didn't make the flashbacks confusing.
What I didn't like about the book was that sometimes it moved a little bit to slowly. Each chapter was about 50 pages, and sometimes the author wrote about a character for the tiniest bit to long, which made me a little bit bored. I also didn't like the start of the book, because it was a little bit confusing and I think that it is important to be really clear in the first couple pages so that the reader doesn't put the book down.
Overall, I really liked this book and would rate it  out of 10 stars.


  1. It does sound like an interesting idea, Amelia. I'm glad you tried it. (Forgot to put your rating.)

  2. I wasn't really sure how this book would be, but sounds like it was interesting. Nice review!

  3. I liked how you made your summary attention grabing.

  4. I really appreciate the detail you put into your review.
